Regina Andrade
Eu te amo!!!
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It is no easy to survive years and years looking for
Me. Feelings that you are nothing.
Nobody understand , it is cruel, It seems that the society is not seeing you.
Always looking for a place to hide.
Be quiet! No cry!
WE come out of ourselves to live the life of which others ones want to.
The freedom right os for ALL people.  Fight to survive!!!
I have never stolen or  killed nobody...
I am alive!!!
Afraid of the people that are Animals...
Be happy!!! Dreams are marvelous but no live only theirs.
I write because I have no courage to speak...

​​​​​The english teacher (a friend) Shirley, thanks.
Regina Andrade
Enviado por Regina Andrade em 22/09/2020
Alterado em 22/09/2020
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